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My Road to Better Health: Move Daily

Keys to better health

You can reduce your risk of health problems if you:

Why exercise matters

Regular physical activity:

Types of exercise

An exercise plan should include:

Getting started

“Starting” can be the hardest step to take. These tips may help."

Staying on course

These ideas can help you move more each day.

Moving past obstacles

These suggestions may help you overcome barriers to exercise.

Take SMART steps for better health

Specific What am I going to do?

Measurable How will I track my progress?

Achievable What steps will I take to make this happen?

Relevant Is this important enough to me to want to do it?

Time-framed When will I do this?

Of the choices listed on the other pages, what are the first steps you are willing to take in the next few days?

Rate your confidence

How much do you believe you can do this? Circle your answer here.

Not at all confident Extremely confident
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

If you rate your confidence below a 7, consider changing your plan.